serialplantfetishist: Gandalf in the wildflower meadow.
serialplantfetishist: Looking over Lia's 'Brandy' across the Wildflower Meadow to Gandalf.
serialplantfetishist: New Wildflower Meadow - Linanthus, Showy Clarkia and good ol' California Poppy
serialplantfetishist: Wildflower Meadow
serialplantfetishist: Wildflower Meadow Too
serialplantfetishist: Three newly blooming in the Wildflower Meadow.
serialplantfetishist: Wildflower Meadow
serialplantfetishist: I say it's going to be a wildflower meadow, eventually.
serialplantfetishist: What I've been up to lately: the new wildflower meadow.
serialplantfetishist: The driveway, the swing and Gandalf.
serialplantfetishist: Gandalf and the first blooms of Kiftsgate spilling over the fence.
serialplantfetishist: Smokebush seen thru Tree Fern foliage.
serialplantfetishist: View to my garden from the gazebo deck.
serialplantfetishist: Agapetes reaching out from the wall sconce planters.
serialplantfetishist: Gravel Courtyard Entry Garden
serialplantfetishist: The Circle Lawn, Spring 2009
serialplantfetishist: The orange blossoms of Abutilon and Iochroma fuchsiodes growing in the border beside the path to the corner deck, just past the Persimmon trees.
serialplantfetishist: Before picture
serialplantfetishist: Latest project 2
serialplantfetishist: Latest project 3
serialplantfetishist: Latest project 4
serialplantfetishist: Latest project 5
serialplantfetishist: Latest project 6
serialplantfetishist: Great Dixter 8d: Paths and Borders
serialplantfetishist: Great Dixter 6c: Lily and Gunnera Pond
serialplantfetishist: Great Dixter 5d: A Fancy Staircase
serialplantfetishist: Great Dixter 7b: Right Side of Main House
serialplantfetishist: Great Dixter 8c: Paths and Borders
serialplantfetishist: Great Dixter 8b: Paths and Borders