serialplantfetishist: April 28 morning in my Berkeley garden
serialplantfetishist: Geranium maderense alba
serialplantfetishist: April 28 morning in my Berkeley garden
serialplantfetishist: Photos of a bulb first blooming for me in April of 2016
serialplantfetishist: Lachenalia aloides in their new raised bed.
serialplantfetishist: Sparmannia africana
serialplantfetishist: Variegated Echium preparing to bloom.
serialplantfetishist: From the East, above and behind the Telanthophora.
serialplantfetishist: The garden below the water.
serialplantfetishist: Sunshine in my garden in between the rains
serialplantfetishist: Sunshine in my garden in between the rains
serialplantfetishist: Behind the pond with dog butt
serialplantfetishist: The Hummer's nest is in the foliage of the plant in the lower left corner.