serialplantfetishist: Beautiful Telanthophora foliage and nearly ready to bloom flowers.
serialplantfetishist: Backpath looking to the birch corner
serialplantfetishist: January 25, 2012
serialplantfetishist: Heidi Rose near the pond.
serialplantfetishist: Dry bed foliage beside the pond.
serialplantfetishist: From a distance the flowers of Telanthophora grandifolia appear as 16 inch wide yellow domes.
serialplantfetishist: Brocolli like flower stalks of Telanthophora grandifolia.
serialplantfetishist: Telanthophora grandifolia - flower close up
serialplantfetishist: Saturday, 2/4, in the garden
serialplantfetishist: Saturday, 2/4, in the garden
serialplantfetishist: Dog walk on Saturday
serialplantfetishist: Dog walk on Saturday
serialplantfetishist: Sunday, 2/5, in the garden
serialplantfetishist: Sunday, 2/5, in the garden
serialplantfetishist: Heidi at the water hole.
serialplantfetishist: Yellow blooming Buddlea
serialplantfetishist: Bromeliad with the pond and birch corner beyond.
serialplantfetishist: Blooms forming on the variegated Echium candicans.
serialplantfetishist: Back path from near the Y looking south to the birch corner.
serialplantfetishist: Big masses of flowers on the Telanthophora grandifolia.
serialplantfetishist: Heidi Rose at low tide.
serialplantfetishist: Down the near path to the pond from near the back door.
serialplantfetishist: Now flowering
serialplantfetishist: Telanthophora grandifolia
serialplantfetishist: Hairy cacti, Cleistocactus 'Strausii'
serialplantfetishist: Agapetes 'Ludgvan Cross', with tweaked setttings.
serialplantfetishist: Agapetes 'Ludgvan Cross', straight out of the camera.
serialplantfetishist: Crawling around for photos.
serialplantfetishist: The price of rolling around with dogs.
serialplantfetishist: Agapetes 'Ludgevan Cross'