serialplantfetishist: Patch of light pink Nigellas
serialplantfetishist: A pink Nigella starring in front of a large group of purple ones
serialplantfetishist: A patch of blue and purple Nigella
serialplantfetishist: An unopened blue Nigella
serialplantfetishist: A rich purple Nigella
serialplantfetishist: Detail of a pink Nigella
serialplantfetishist: Line of Nigella backed by a clipped shrub.
serialplantfetishist: Dorynium hirsutum, often given the name Dorycnium hirsutum, Hairy Canary Clover! (yuck!). The Spanish call it 'la bocha peluda' (the hairy ball), which is not any better!! - Hortulus
serialplantfetishist: A succulent ground cover in full sun
serialplantfetishist: Got to like this variegated echeveria (Echeveria secunda glauca 'Compton Carousel') but look how much better it looks backed by this low ground cover, Stachys chrysantha
serialplantfetishist: A perennial forget-me-not with bright white flowers. Turkish?
serialplantfetishist: Silver Cotula (Cotula hispida): A nice low parade of grey/green foliage carrying yellow flowers like a sea of balloons
serialplantfetishist: My favorite new ground cover seen at Betsy Clebsch's garden, Teucrium pyrenaicum
serialplantfetishist: Had to add one more of this lovely variegated Echeveria scunda glauca 'Lenore Dean', AKA E.s.g.'Compton Carousel'.
serialplantfetishist: Clary sage, Salvia sclarea. Pretty big foliage for a salvia
serialplantfetishist: Clary sage, Salvia sclarea - Flower detail
serialplantfetishist: Clary sage, Salvia sclarea
serialplantfetishist: Salvia spathacea, Hummingbird Sage
serialplantfetishist: Salvia spathacea, Hummingbird Sage