serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 1a First Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 2a Lamb's Ears in the First Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 3a Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 4a Stone Walls in the Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 5a Herb Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 6a Poppies
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 7a More Herb Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 8a Long Axis
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 9a Second Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 10a Four Corners of the Second Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 11a Winter Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 1b First Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 1c First Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 2b Lamb's Ears in the First Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 3b Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 3c Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 3d Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 4b Stone Wall in the Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 4c Stone Wall in the Foliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 4d Stone Wall in the Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 4e Stone Wall in the Folliage/Plantsman's Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 5b Herb Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 5c Herb Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 6b Poppies
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 7b More Herb Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 7c More Herb Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 8b Long Axis
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 9b Second Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 10b Four Corners of the Second Rose Garden
serialplantfetishist: X. Rosemoor: 10c Four Corners of the Second Rose Garden