serialplantfetishist: West Green House Garden(WGH)1a: The Circle Gate
serialplantfetishist: WGH 1b: Runnel Beside the First Stairway
serialplantfetishist: WGH 1c: Top of First Stairway, The Second Stairway Beyond
serialplantfetishist: WGH 1d: The Second Stairway
serialplantfetishist: WGH 1e: Source of the Upper Runnel
serialplantfetishist: WGH 2: The Walk Along the Lake
serialplantfetishist: WGH 6: A Fancy Fountain
serialplantfetishist: WGH 3a: Not-Your-Father's-Vegetable-Garden
serialplantfetishist: WGH 3b: Not-Your-Father's-Vegetable-Garden
serialplantfetishist: WGH 3c: Not-Your-Father's-Vegetable-Garden
serialplantfetishist: WGH 5: A Narrow Lavendar Lane
serialplantfetishist: WGH 4a: The Red Tea Courtyard
serialplantfetishist: WGH 4b: The Red Tea Courtyard
serialplantfetishist: WGH 4c: The Red Tea Courtyard