sergiyz: pond
sergiyz: bushes
sergiyz: why does it have to be so big ?
sergiyz: clock tower and garden
sergiyz: not an apartment complex
sergiyz: feeling little
sergiyz: Wild Turkeys
sergiyz: Turkey crossing
sergiyz: more turkeys
sergiyz: follow the leader
sergiyz: Turkey family
sergiyz: DSC_1840.jpg
sergiyz: DSC_1850.jpg
sergiyz: DSC_1873.jpg
sergiyz: DSC_1931.jpg
sergiyz: DSC_2007.jpg
sergiyz: DSC_2026.jpg
sergiyz: filoli12-0782
sergiyz: Another Tulip
sergiyz: Filoli Tulip
sergiyz: filoli12-0887