Sergi Wave: Sailing | Explored
Sergi Wave: Stopping by
Sergi Wave: You ride my rainbow in the sky | Explored
Sergi Wave: Life on the Champs-Elysées
Sergi Wave: Wake up, Dude !
Sergi Wave: B&W Shorter, colder days of fall
Sergi Wave: Shorter, colder days of fall
Sergi Wave: Add y Das - 4
Sergi Wave: Take it away | Explored
Sergi Wave: Beautiful bijou
Sergi Wave: Barefoot winter city camping...
Sergi Wave: Nice reflection
Sergi Wave: Royal chapka
Sergi Wave: And so this is Xmas...
Sergi Wave: Need Bred
Sergi Wave: She's wearing rags and sneakers
Sergi Wave: Is she weird ?
Sergi Wave: Happy team
Sergi Wave: Dark energy explained simply
Sergi Wave: After running
Sergi Wave: C'mon !
Sergi Wave: Oh! Santa Claus is on his way from the polar area
Sergi Wave: Royal wi-fi on the Champs-Elysées
Sergi Wave: Seasonal dreams
Sergi Wave: My baby came out to be a robot :-(
Sergi Wave: Santa's helper
Sergi Wave: Shooting star of the day on the Champs-Elysées
Sergi Wave: The royal smile
Sergi Wave: Rich of many towers
Sergi Wave: Le Louvre