sergio_del_toro: It´s Britney, Bitch!
sergio_del_toro: she and him
sergio_del_toro: why do you let me stay here?
sergio_del_toro: my dear Sophie
sergio_del_toro: Sweet Katyfornia
sergio_del_toro: Marina-and-Zez
sergio_del_toro: forever Amy...
sergio_del_toro: Rebecca Ferguson - Freedom
sergio_del_toro: just keep on dancing in the rain...
sergio_del_toro: jessie-j
sergio_del_toro: Ladies and gentlemen, Ms Dusty Springfield!
sergio_del_toro: FORGET - WHITE - Marina and the Diamonds
sergio_del_toro: FORGET - Marina and the Diamonds
sergio_del_toro: FROOT - Marina and the Diamonds
sergio_del_toro: Zooey Deschanel - Stay Awhile - She and Him
sergio_del_toro: ★ Dusty Springfield ★