SergeyRod: Krasnogorsk
SergeyRod: Монастырь в Печатниках
SergeyRod: Sunrise in Setun
SergeyRod: A clown sculpture in Tsvtnoy boulevard
SergeyRod: DSCN3346
SergeyRod: DSCN3354
SergeyRod: DSCN3359
SergeyRod: The moon in the clouds behind the building
SergeyRod: The moon in the clouds behind the building
SergeyRod: Night fire in Moscow
SergeyRod: Fire alert in Moscow
SergeyRod: Sunrise
SergeyRod: Night fog
SergeyRod: DSC01334
SergeyRod: Night fog
SergeyRod: Night fog
SergeyRod: Openwork house
SergeyRod: DSC01344
SergeyRod: DSC01348
SergeyRod: The colours of night
SergeyRod: Third transport circle road
SergeyRod: Moon In Blue
SergeyRod: Moon In Rust
SergeyRod: IMG_20151224_164100
SergeyRod: IMG_20151226_165812