Lovedoll2: What I got for myself in this Feb'13
Lovedoll2: Wow..giant
Lovedoll2: My Little flower dress
Lovedoll2: My Bunny in the house
Lovedoll2: MeiMei bunny ..
Lovedoll2: Blur of focus
Lovedoll2: Hey, behind the glass door I'm here
Lovedoll2: Simply portrait of Mondi
Lovedoll2: Believe who you are
Lovedoll2: I'm late no I'm not too late..happy Easter to my friends all of you
Lovedoll2: Hope tomorrow is getting better and better
Lovedoll2: Sukra outfit on October
Lovedoll2: My MeiMei Bunny
Lovedoll2: Meet Melvin again..
Lovedoll2: My doll meet @ Johor
Lovedoll2: Received a hat and knit dress from friend ..TQ Melvin
Lovedoll2: Miema Bear Hat Fever
Lovedoll2: Green in green
Lovedoll2: Yeah.. Have a holiday tomorrow
Lovedoll2: Start my day with a cup of coffee
Lovedoll2: Cheers with coffee
Lovedoll2: Hanging out with Mom
Lovedoll2: Simple Checkers Dress for Blythe
Lovedoll2: Simple Checkers Dress for Blythe
Lovedoll2: Simple Checkers Dress for Blythe
Lovedoll2: Simple Checkers Sleeveless Dress for Blythe
Lovedoll2: Simple Checkers Sleeveless Dress for Blythe
Lovedoll2: I don't know why mummy make a rubber duck hair accessories to me , but I like it ^^
Lovedoll2: We found our Christmas gift under the Christmas tree, can we open now?
Lovedoll2: Merry Christmas