serenae: running up the street
serenae: running up the street (gray)
serenae: colored lamp in café
serenae: close-up of a woven lamp
serenae: another night street
serenae: mostly dark
serenae: walking home (gray)
serenae: walking home
serenae: laundry-guarding cat
serenae: blue street
serenae: blue hill
serenae: bigger street
serenae: bigger street (gray)
serenae: up the steps
serenae: brown and blue
serenae: cracking paint
serenae: nobody's awake yet
serenae: the greenest I've seen
serenae: fields, mountains, clouds
serenae: trailhead sign
serenae: no camping
serenae: the first waterfall
serenae: inviting pool
serenae: the first of many mountain views
serenae: rocky hill
serenae: rocky hill (gray)
serenae: behind me
serenae: rounding the corner
serenae: plants, mountain, sky
serenae: a cool interlude