serenae: wine glasses at the ready
serenae: playing "As Time Goes By"
serenae: still playing
serenae: more rows of wine glasses
serenae: the same row of wine glasses
serenae: drink ticket at the ready
serenae: filling all the rooms
serenae: listening to Laurent
serenae: socializing
serenae: reading from a list
serenae: done with the speech
serenae: piano hands 1
serenae: piano hands 2
serenae: the pianist looking dignified
serenae: ready for another glass
serenae: explaining the wine?
serenae: encore
serenae: happy volunteers
serenae: waiting for the next person
serenae: carrying crackers in a crowd
serenae: chatting with volunteers
serenae: smelly cheese
serenae: non-smelly crackers
serenae: more smelly cheese
serenae: someone serving smelly cheese
serenae: grouchy Sonia
serenae: my desktop work of modern art
serenae: envelopes, stuffed and ready to go
serenae: post-it zipcodes
serenae: socializing (black and white)