Serap Günay:
Livin' on the edge of night
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
closing time
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
shore of life
Serap Günay:
what I tell...
Serap Günay:
just reflection
Serap Günay:
talk to her
Serap Günay:
reading with red glasses
Serap Günay:
I'll see thRough you
Serap Günay:
for a world without hungry children! Merry Christmas
Serap Günay:
melancholy waltz
Serap Günay:
walk in another dream
Serap Günay:
message of the distant times
Serap Günay:
..when time just slips
Serap Günay:
a tough decision
Serap Günay:
a long walk
Serap Günay:
shadows of the birds
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
the same thoughts
Serap Günay:
another conversation
Serap Günay:
in gray
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
the unbearable heaviness of being spectator
Serap Günay:
Serap Günay:
on the street III