luckyfind23: Christmas Day with the Grandfolks
luckyfind23: Beautiful Floridian Christmas
luckyfind23: Merry Christmas Oranges
luckyfind23: DSC_0005
luckyfind23: Grandparents Lake
luckyfind23: the beard and the lake
luckyfind23: the beard showing some sass
luckyfind23: i guess you can't tell but this birdhouse is big
luckyfind23: the oranges and I
luckyfind23: lovely oranges on Christmas day
luckyfind23: old boat wheel behind the bar
luckyfind23: gorgeous flowers, from the yard!
luckyfind23: we made a new friend next to the family paper
luckyfind23: new lizard friend
luckyfind23: The men, gathering food
luckyfind23: orange picking
luckyfind23: oranges
luckyfind23: the beard, working hard
luckyfind23: picking oranges
luckyfind23: a neighbor dog to help
luckyfind23: DSC_0033
luckyfind23: cameron in the tree's
luckyfind23: pretty fungi
luckyfind23: excellent bounty!
luckyfind23: biggest lime ever!
luckyfind23: lemon tree
luckyfind23: avocado!
luckyfind23: in the orange grove
luckyfind23: papayas!
luckyfind23: fresh orange