seq: The look.. of lurve
seq: DSC00906
seq: DSC00907
seq: Jey and Steff discuss the merits of Bernard
seq: Margaret, Paul and Jey
seq: Chalco == evil?
seq: DSC00919
seq: DSC00920
seq: DSC00923
seq: Reverend Chalco observes the Sphere of Evil
seq: DSC00929
seq: Cassandra and Guin
seq: Izzy falls to the floor in awe of celebrity Jamie
seq: DSC00944
seq: One of Adrian's adoring fans
seq: DSC00949
seq: Cassandra
seq: Paul wonders why his back is suddenly the centre of attention
seq: It was all Cassandra's doing, honest!
seq: No comment!
seq: Jey and Jo
seq: Duckie and Juxta
seq: Glittery Sledge
seq: Me!
seq: Mr Hon is ready for his close-up
seq: Dan
seq: Chippeeeee
seq: The look of lurve part II?
seq: Where's my veggie chimichanga already??
seq: Our table at El Paso