seq: Thomaskirche
seq: Chapel in Leipzig
seq: Lonely cosplayers
seq: Leipzig Messe
seq: It'sa me, Mario.. and the other one.
seq: German celebrities?
seq: Mario sumo
seq: Wario sumo
seq: DS Dancers
seq: Nintendo hostess
seq: Leipzig Messe Tower at night
seq: Learn German by candlelight
seq: zwei Glas Weißwein = blurrr
seq: Leipzig Messe Tower and Lake
seq: Leipzig Messe
seq: My new best friend
seq: Medal of Honor at EA's stand
seq: Eek! *hides*
seq: PS3 sofas
seq: Lara Xbox360
seq: Kingdom Hearts 2
seq: Um
seq: Vegetable Light Pong!
seq: Light Pong on a waveboard
seq: Pong!
seq: Heeeuge
seq: World of Warcraft stand
seq: Fountain at the Dark Messiah stand
seq: Final Fantasy booth babes
seq: Rayman statue