seq: Charly sculpture
seq: Katamari? :)
seq: DSC00544
seq: Charly's sculptures
seq: The friendliest dog in the world
seq: Lake near the devil's bridge
seq: St Saturnin vines
seq: Vinyard
seq: Roquefort view
seq: Hills near Roquefort
seq: Millau Bridge
seq: Sky behind the bridge
seq: Millau Bridge
seq: Millau Bridge
seq: Cliffs near the Grotte
seq: Winding road
seq: Cliffs
seq: Mmm, vintage wine
seq: Grotte de Labeil
seq: Droplets
seq: Subterranean River
seq: Grotte de Labeil - Subterrannean River
seq: Grotte de Labeil
seq: Jellyfish structures
seq: Strange colours
seq: Grotte de Labeil
seq: Grotte de Labeil
seq: Archway
seq: Road down from the Grotte
seq: Whaley is notoriously difficult to get on