SequentialMacro: The abyss
SequentialMacro: Time to shave !
SequentialMacro: Moth wing at 10x
SequentialMacro: Wing of a moth - 40x
SequentialMacro: Moths wing at 20x
SequentialMacro: Ladybird - 5x
SequentialMacro: Wasp Sting !
SequentialMacro: Yellow Jacket
SequentialMacro: Wing of a midgy Fly at 10x
SequentialMacro: Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar
SequentialMacro: Jumper eyes
SequentialMacro: Salticus scenicus at 11x
SequentialMacro: Stacking with Prime Lenses #5
SequentialMacro: Stacking with Prime Lenses #4
SequentialMacro: Stacking with Prime Lenses #3
SequentialMacro: Stacking with Prime Lenses #2
SequentialMacro: Stacking with Prime Lenses #1
SequentialMacro: Lacewing
SequentialMacro: Bumble Bee !
SequentialMacro: Keep your head On !!
SequentialMacro: Pollen collector II
SequentialMacro: Pollen collector
SequentialMacro: 3D BEE !
SequentialMacro: Horse Flies Eye - 20x
SequentialMacro: Female Horse Fly - 3x
SequentialMacro: Long Legged Fly
SequentialMacro: Dance Fly II
SequentialMacro: Dance Fly
SequentialMacro: 'From out of Space'
SequentialMacro: Through the Looking Glass III