Seoulful Adventures: Adorable Annika
Seoulful Adventures: Juny pushes toward the camera
Seoulful Adventures: Irene came sporting an ajumma visor
Seoulful Adventures: Visor top view
Seoulful Adventures: Two girls standing alone
Seoulful Adventures: The Loner
Seoulful Adventures: Captivated by cartoons
Seoulful Adventures: Anne tries to watch
Seoulful Adventures: Andrew over the seat
Seoulful Adventures: Andy through the seats
Seoulful Adventures: OMG camera!
Seoulful Adventures: I guess the camera must look scary from the other side
Seoulful Adventures: Irene and Alex IN A BUBBLE
Seoulful Adventures: One second after the last photo
Seoulful Adventures: Kimbap in the park
Seoulful Adventures: Peach class
Seoulful Adventures: Huge swing