Seoulful Adventures:
The kids enter the market
Seoulful Adventures:
Kate and Joyce
Seoulful Adventures:
Fun at the market
Seoulful Adventures:
Nathan being mobbed at the toy station
Seoulful Adventures:
Nathan finds a strange toy
Seoulful Adventures:
David selling school supplies
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Anne and Sue
Seoulful Adventures:
Slowly processing that I'm holding a camera
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
How adorable is that?
Seoulful Adventures:
Leo with another market find
Seoulful Adventures:
Charles taunting girls with a bug toy
Seoulful Adventures:
Too-cool Richard
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Boys and their toys
Seoulful Adventures:
Julian face painting Leo
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Hello Ryan
Seoulful Adventures:
Candy's family picture
Seoulful Adventures:
Taekwondo John
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Candy wanted my lens cap
Seoulful Adventures:
Irene was recently disciplined
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Can I go now...
Seoulful Adventures:
"Teacher I know you like your camera, but come onnnnnn"
Seoulful Adventures:
Sue 2
Seoulful Adventures:
Super quiet Anne