Seoulful Adventures:
The whole meal
Seoulful Adventures:
The shrimp restaurant
Seoulful Adventures:
View from outside the restaurant towards the fish market
Seoulful Adventures:
Directly across from the restuarant
Seoulful Adventures:
The shells of a meal
Seoulful Adventures:
The last bite
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
"Yea...I guess I could eat that"
Seoulful Adventures:
Disgust or terror?
Seoulful Adventures:
The pinks just starting to come out
Seoulful Adventures:
Amazement and Bewilderment
Seoulful Adventures:
They season themselves.
Seoulful Adventures:
And in they go!
Seoulful Adventures:
Raw Conch
Seoulful Adventures:
Seoulful Adventures:
Coarse sea salt just waiting for its shrimp...