Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Animal kingdom takes a bath!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Clean slate...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: After some rounds of play.
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Not been picked for todays play.
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Batman forever!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Can I brush in bed?
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Brushing his pal...Chota Bheem
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Morning experiments...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: One lazy winter holiday morning...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Pinning his letter to Santa on the tree...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: The demand- 'My Robot'!!!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Lil A's crib a prized christmas tree ornament!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Red Ranger looked the best around all those slabs of chocolates!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: The 'Super Hero' themed Christmas marked our 2012 celebrations!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Delighted moment!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Santa's gift has to be RED!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: New acquisitions from Christmas 2012!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Christmas with the 'Super Hero'...a 4 year old's world of fantasy comes alive!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Camping essentials!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: A glass of warm milk...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Fishing experiments...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Room with a view!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Seriously attempting to read!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: My little drummer!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Playful moods...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Life full of colors...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: The spidy pose!
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Drama personified funny bones...
Sensuous 2 Spiritual: Funny bones...