Senol Demir: Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
Senol Demir: Saraybosna / Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Sarajevo, Bosnia / Saraybosna, Bosna
Senol Demir: A watcher in front of the graveyard of Izzetbegovic
Senol Demir: Sarajevo, Bosnia / BosnaHersek Saraybosna
Senol Demir: Sarajevo / Saraybosna, tracks of war
Senol Demir: Bosnia
Senol Demir: Overview Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Bosnia
Senol Demir: Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Bosnia
Senol Demir: Sarajevo
Senol Demir: "Bascarsi" Saraybosna / Sarajevo, Bosnia-H.
Senol Demir: beggar with cell phone
Senol Demir: Gazi Husrev Bey Mosque, Sarajevo / Gazi Hüsrev Bey Cami, Saraybosna
Senol Demir: Gazi Hüsrev Pasha Mosque, Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Tunnel that used in Bosnian War
Senol Demir: İnside of Tunel Museum
Senol Demir: Bosnia
Senol Demir: Igman Mountain, Sarajevo
Senol Demir: Igman Mountain Sarajevo / İgman Dağı, Saraybosna
Senol Demir: İgman Dağı Camii, Saraybosna / Igman Mountain Mosque, Sararejevo
Senol Demir: Monument of Basnia War
Senol Demir: Mostar Bridge
Senol Demir: Mostar Bridge
Senol Demir: Mostar Bridge / Stari Most / Mostar Köprüsü
Senol Demir: Bosnia
Senol Demir: Mostar