Steven A.J.B.: Liquidacion por Cierre
Steven A.J.B.: In the middle of nowhere in Andalucia
Steven A.J.B.: Camping under an airport (Sevilla)
Steven A.J.B.: Malaga
Steven A.J.B.: Look up to the sky
Steven A.J.B.: Farmacia
Steven A.J.B.: Cathedral de Granada
Steven A.J.B.: Grazalema
Steven A.J.B.: Grazalema
Steven A.J.B.: Grazalema
Steven A.J.B.: Grazalema
Steven A.J.B.: Granada train station
Steven A.J.B.: Hostel vending machine
Steven A.J.B.: Yesterday's faded stories
Steven A.J.B.: Send me a postcard
Steven A.J.B.: Hasta que no tengais conciencia
Steven A.J.B.: 'Fish'
Steven A.J.B.: Siesta
Steven A.J.B.: The two of us
Steven A.J.B.: Cheap hotel room, plastic flowers
Steven A.J.B.: Look Up
Steven A.J.B.: I still remember those long conversations we had in that window (and they said we were 'just dummies'... They never knew what hit them...)
Steven A.J.B.: In the port of Tangiers
Steven A.J.B.: From above
Steven A.J.B.: all is clearer
Steven A.J.B.: 'Verde, que te quiero verde / Verde viento. Verdes ramas."
Steven A.J.B.: Cathedral de Granada from above
Steven A.J.B.: Solving puzzles on the top of the world
Steven A.J.B.: The Alhambra, looking down upon the city