semillama: Bison
semillama: Pronghorn and Bison
semillama: Baby Moose!
semillama: No, Ian, that bear won't get you.
semillama: Ian checks out the polar bear
semillama: Bear foot
semillama: Bear from Below
semillama: Brown Bear, Brown Bear
semillama: Evening Grosbeak
semillama: Sora
semillama: Ruddy Duck stretching
semillama: Ruddy Duck
semillama: Trumpeter Swan, preening.
semillama: Sun Bear
semillama: Bathtime.
semillama: Ian, oblivious to the monkey right behind him
semillama: Naptime
semillama: Baby Monkey!
semillama: Ian's new friend
semillama: What's this do?
semillama: Elephant Rider
semillama: Pretty in Pink
semillama: Seconds before he ran into the protruding eye of the shark and had a sad.
semillama: Wonderment
semillama: Ian and his friend the cownose ray.
semillama: Hello mr. Crocodile.
semillama: Hard a Starboard!