SelmerOrSelnec: Trent 579 (LRB 579W)
SelmerOrSelnec: Ribble 2173 (C173 ECK)
SelmerOrSelnec: The gang's all here
SelmerOrSelnec: Unsuitable occasion for use of an open-top bus (1)
SelmerOrSelnec: Midland Fox 4517 (A133 SMA)
SelmerOrSelnec: Pennine Blue 3297 (MPT 297P), 8102 (BJV 102L)
SelmerOrSelnec: Oxon Travel KJD 431P
SelmerOrSelnec: Midland Fox 4478 (D80 UTF)
SelmerOrSelnec: City of Oxford 499 (HUD 499W)
SelmerOrSelnec: Blackburn 414 (WPH 134Y)
SelmerOrSelnec: First Manchester 39933 (D183 FYM)
SelmerOrSelnec: North Western 500 (TRN 466V)
SelmerOrSelnec: Blackburn 415 (WPH 137Y)
SelmerOrSelnec: Pennine Blue 69 (OCK 369K)
SelmerOrSelnec: Ropey (1)
SelmerOrSelnec: Hulley, Baslow 20 (OCY 907R), 17 (B873 YYX)
SelmerOrSelnec: PMT (Pennine) DVG624 (AHU 515V)
SelmerOrSelnec: Yorkshire Rider 756 (PWY 42W)
SelmerOrSelnec: Hunter (Village), Garston V2 (KMW 172P)
SelmerOrSelnec: Pennine Blue SRG281 (TUO 263J)
SelmerOrSelnec: Bus? What bus?
SelmerOrSelnec: Oh, THAT bus...
SelmerOrSelnec: Gozo FBY 035 (ex Y-0811, Y-1512, GLJ 482N)
SelmerOrSelnec: Don't mean to be pedantic but...
SelmerOrSelnec: Preserved Alder Valley LFS 296F
SelmerOrSelnec: Preserved Cheltenham District 1000 (KHW 306E)
SelmerOrSelnec: C-Line DVL389 (FTU 389T)
SelmerOrSelnec: Pennine Blue 70 (OCK 370K)
SelmerOrSelnec: Not what it seems
SelmerOrSelnec: Andrew, Sheffield GWA 822N ("Elizabeth Anne")