madgerly: The Carlsons
madgerly: Chicken wranglers
madgerly: Head chicken wrangler, Saunders
madgerly: Walker, Saunders, and the girls
madgerly: Bok bok
madgerly: View in La Veta
madgerly: Sunset
madgerly: Our climber
madgerly: Defiant...or something
madgerly: Jumping off to climb again
madgerly: With the red car
madgerly: Content
madgerly: This is the life!
madgerly: On the deck with Dad
madgerly: Isn't this great?
madgerly: Yeah
madgerly: Get this hat off me
madgerly: View from the resevoir
madgerly: The resevoir
madgerly: Mountains
madgerly: Walking with the guys
madgerly: With the Grandparents Ellis
madgerly: Playing on the deck
madgerly: Mouth full of somethin'
madgerly: She-Hulk smash
madgerly: Post apocalypse
madgerly: On the big hike
madgerly: View from the meadow
madgerly: Lovely