madgerly: Happy birthday, Maggie!
madgerly: The spread
madgerly: Grandaddy and the birthday girl
madgerly: Watching her play
madgerly: Basket attack
madgerly: Basket as hat?
madgerly: Basket hat
madgerly: Silly granddad!
madgerly: Girl with a basket
madgerly: Iffy and Maggie
madgerly: Iffy, Maggie, and the basket
madgerly: Iffy holding Maggie
madgerly: Melissa and Laurel
madgerly: Couch antics
madgerly: Happy baby
madgerly: Dad holding daughter
madgerly: Time to light the candle
madgerly: Getting ready to blow it out
madgerly: Blow!
madgerly: Confused
madgerly: Family
madgerly: Cutting the cake
madgerly: Grandmom cuts the cake
madgerly: Granddad supervises
madgerly: Mmm, cake
madgerly: Highchair time
madgerly: First bite of cake
madgerly: Chomping down
madgerly: Um, whatever
madgerly: Cake face