madgerly: 39 wk. Belly
madgerly: Are you in there, Margaret?
madgerly: The scene of the crime
madgerly: Just born
madgerly: Getting footprints
madgerly: On the hot table
madgerly: A very proud Grandmama
madgerly: Maggie's first diaper change
madgerly: Are you in there, little Magpie?
madgerly: Margaret Dixie Ware
madgerly: new dad very much enjoying his new role
madgerly: All together now, Awwww...
madgerly: This shirt is too big!
madgerly: Mommy hamming it up
madgerly: Chillin' with Dad
madgerly: With Grandmommy Terri
madgerly: all bundled up
madgerly: a wide awake moment
madgerly: Mother and Daughter
madgerly: Margaret in her lovely hat
madgerly: Maggie sans chapeau
madgerly: Beautiful Tulips
madgerly: A more contemplative pose
madgerly: arm position number 2
madgerly: sleepy sleeperson
madgerly: such a happy grandmama!
madgerly: hey, back up a little
madgerly: big yawn
madgerly: silly face
madgerly: with Daddy