madgerly: brewing day! first, the kit
madgerly: ale pail plus tasty ingredients
madgerly: first, sanitize it all
madgerly: then add malt extract to 21 gallon pot
madgerly: boiling...
madgerly: bittering hops
madgerly: more boiling...
madgerly: activated yeast pack
madgerly: the quick cool-down
madgerly: into the fermenting bucket (aka ale pail)
madgerly: and into the closet for two weeks.
madgerly: bottling day! more sanitizing
madgerly: siphoning from fermenting bucket to bottling bucket
madgerly: mmm, hop crud
madgerly: bottling bucket
madgerly: siphon faster!
madgerly: from bottling bucket to bottles
madgerly: the fun part
madgerly: drinking day!
madgerly: the reveal
madgerly: the pour
madgerly: it's a beer!