madgerly: Dogfish Head Alehouse, Rehoboth Beach
madgerly: inside the pub
madgerly: after lunch, a walk to the beach
madgerly: the boardwalk
madgerly: Grant and Lane's opinion of my photo-taking
madgerly: back to the pub to buy stuff
madgerly: Lane and me
madgerly: out to Milton, DE
madgerly: anybody home?
madgerly: like kids outside a candy store
madgerly: the candy store
madgerly: the badass Mack truck
madgerly: Mack
madgerly: tanks
madgerly: beer sludge!
madgerly: on the ride home, the Delaware countryside
madgerly: did I mention I was driving?
madgerly: they asked me to stop.
madgerly: Mr. Van Zandt
madgerly: Mr. V-Z, glowing
madgerly: Mr. V-Z, cute-ifying
madgerly: Ruby, vying for sweetest cat ever
madgerly: and then we cooked out
madgerly: meatastic