madgerly: Home of the Dark Lord
madgerly: the line ahead of us
madgerly: the line continues
madgerly: another line, just for refreshments
madgerly: ah, refreshments!
madgerly: Town of Munster
madgerly: Beer Geek festival
madgerly: more festivating
madgerly: lots of beer trading going on
madgerly: beer on display
madgerly: our linemates, Erik and Susie
madgerly: beer geeks
madgerly: finally in the warehouse
madgerly: the Alpha King
madgerly: happy customers
madgerly: what all the fuss was about
madgerly: next day, on to Bell's Brewing
madgerly: Eccentric Cafe patio
madgerly: hops growing up the trellis
madgerly: horsing around
madgerly: Oberon (née Solsun)
madgerly: nifty artifacts
madgerly: nice brick art
madgerly: hops for homebrewers
madgerly: malts for homebrewers
madgerly: Bell's exterior (from the car)
madgerly: Chez Uryga
madgerly: Drew and Laura
madgerly: their lovely yard
madgerly: their young jedi and cohorts