madgerly: Lansdale, Pa! First stop on the tour.
madgerly: Lane and his dad
madgerly: birds at the feeders
madgerly: more birds
madgerly: woodpecker
madgerly: Christmas cookies
madgerly: Lane and Eowyn, with unintended effects (that I like)
madgerly: Lane and Eowyn
madgerly: Brenda and Eowyn
madgerly: R. Lane and Eowyn
madgerly: playing Uno
madgerly: Lane and Sara with Hannah, Amber, Eowyn, and Ethan
madgerly: Lane and Sara with the kids
madgerly: Lane and Brenda with the kids
madgerly: Jeff and April and their kids!
madgerly: Brenda, D. Lane, and R. Lane
madgerly: on the road in Delaware
madgerly: some lovely river
madgerly: Baltimore
madgerly: one of many tollbooths
madgerly: Frank Sobodka's shipyards
madgerly: knitting Jenny's socks
madgerly: Driver Extraordinaire
madgerly: Washington, DC!
madgerly: Uncle Dick
madgerly: Uncle Bill and Tommy with Granddad's hat
madgerly: Climenhagas!
madgerly: Carson having cereal
madgerly: Carson
madgerly: the centerpiece