selkie30: Oma and Aunt Dot examine the lunch layout
selkie30: Feverish prep
selkie30: Punch and dessert
selkie30: Decorations
selkie30: Aesthetic decisions
selkie30: The "KId's Table"
selkie30: Catching Up
selkie30: Dueling puzzle skills
selkie30: Man of Action at the punchbowl
selkie30: Conference
selkie30: Speech!!!
selkie30: More Speech!
selkie30: Balloon fight
selkie30: Caught
selkie30: Fun with Balloons
selkie30: Balloons
selkie30: How many...
selkie30: Helping clean up
selkie30: More catching up
selkie30: one big bunch
selkie30: Playing with the helium
selkie30: Snow
selkie30: Snow
selkie30: Snow
selkie30: Snow- blocking out the mountain