selkie30: Paul Leslie and Grandpa May 1951
selkie30: Leslie and Grandpa 1951
selkie30: Leslie and Grandpa 1950 backyard
selkie30: Leslie and Grandma2 1950 backyard
selkie30: Leslie and Grandma July 1951 backyard
selkie30: Leslie and Grandma 1951 backyard
selkie30: Leslie and Grandma 1950 backyard
selkie30: Leslie 1952 dinner
selkie30: Leslie 1950 Kitchen
selkie30: Leslie 1950
selkie30: Tents in Backyard 1959 Chatham
selkie30: Tents in Backyard 2 1959 Chatham
selkie30: Paul 195x Beach Picnic
selkie30: Paul Leslie and who 195x Picnic
selkie30: Paul Leslie and who 2 195x Picnic
selkie30: Party dress
selkie30: Leslie rowing
selkie30: Leslie and who 195x
selkie30: Leslie and Grandma on the beach
selkie30: Leslie Picnic
selkie30: Boat ride 195x
selkie30: Beach picnic 2 195x
selkie30: Beach picnic 195x
selkie30: Beach outing
selkie30: At the beach
selkie30: Paul and Leslie 1951 Christmas
selkie30: Paul Leslie Nimbo 2 195x Christmas
selkie30: Paul Leslie Nimbo 195x Christmas
selkie30: Paul Leslie Grandma and Nimbo 2 195x Christmas
selkie30: Paul Leslie Grandma and Nimbo 195x Christmas