seligr: waiting 2
seligr: waiting 1
seligr: Riding of the Marches
seligr: just a quick one
seligr: sea riders
seligr: friends
seligr: We are the champions! We are the Champions!...
seligr: slight adjustment
seligr: prize bull
seligr: the mare's tale
seligr: i'm outa here
seligr: head viking
seligr: vikings on the march
seligr: horse #2
seligr: horse
seligr: smile for the newspaper
seligr: line-up
seligr: young ploughmen
seligr: ploughing on #1
seligr: ploughing on #2
seligr: what's going on here? - #1
seligr: betjeman in orkney
seligr: st magnus fair
seligr: guided tour orkney style
seligr: riding the marches
seligr: man and horse
seligr: seahorses