Seldo: Mount Shasta
Seldo: Lee ascends Black Butte
Seldo: On top of Black Butte, Oregon
Seldo: From the top of Black Butte, Oregon
Seldo: Crater lake, at last!
Seldo: Crater lake, again
Seldo: Waterfall, somewhere in Oregon
Seldo: Oregon is full of pine trees
Seldo: Bridge of the Gods over Columbia Gorge
Seldo: Columbia Gorge
Seldo: Eastern Oregon is enormous and dull
Seldo: Central Idaho is also enormous and dull
Seldo: Old Faithful erupting
Seldo: Everybody gets one of these, right?
Seldo: Prismatic pool, Yellowstone National Park
Seldo: The seldom-used "geyser selfie"
Seldo: A channel of boiling water
Seldo: Yellowstone Canyon
Seldo: The crowd for Old Faithful
Seldo: The pass to Mammoth hot springs, Yellowstone National Park
Seldo: Beaver dam!
Seldo: Yellowstone canyon upper falls
Seldo: Yellowstone canyon
Seldo: More bison!
Seldo: Bison!
Seldo: This is me making baby-talk at a bison
Seldo: Teton National Park
Seldo: Okay, maybe I get two of these?
Seldo: A bear!
Seldo: Scanning down Zion from Angel's Landing