Seldo: Mikey
Seldo: Steven
Seldo: Gare du nord
Seldo: View from hotel balcony
Seldo: First coffee
Seldo: First day begins
Seldo: M + Arch
Seldo: Homme nom nom
Seldo: Oh and there was some sort of palace
Seldo: Mikey's sexy bridge pose
Seldo: Om nom nom
Seldo: This looks really familiar...
Seldo: Les Invalides
Seldo: Look, I was in Paris, okay? I had to.
Seldo: Chilling on the Seine
Seldo: The Seine at night
Seldo: Paris is all sorts of pretty
Seldo: Sur le metro. Dans la metro? Whatever.
Seldo: Day two
Seldo: Notre Dame
Seldo: Phallic flowers