Seldo: The moment he walked out
Seldo: The Lincoln crowd
Seldo: The jumbotron
Seldo: Flag man
Seldo: My co-sitters
Seldo: My seat for the inauguration
Seldo: The bus armada
Seldo: The Potomac was frozen
Seldo: My companions for the walk
Seldo: A lot of people were walking across Arlington Memorial bridge
Seldo: On Monday I walked to the Lincoln monument
Seldo: A lot was just really tacky
Seldo: Some were a bit dubious
Seldo: Some was just awesome
Seldo: Some was kitsch
Seldo: Some stuff was just a little tacky
Seldo: We went to the Everything Obama Store
Seldo: Kim, Lori, Heather and Ed
Seldo: Big Abe
Seldo: Alaska found a picture of their Official Black Person
Seldo: New York was making unjustified comparisons
Seldo: Wisconsin: SUPER excited
Seldo: Utah: not excited
Seldo: Me, 8pm Monday, January 19th, 2009
Seldo: The capitol
Seldo: Much closer than I would get on the day
Seldo: 8pm Monday: already lined up
Seldo: The other Mall
Seldo: Garth Brooks doing "Shout"