Seldo: Sunset over DC
Seldo: Me + the supreme court
Seldo: More Jefferson
Seldo: Mary + Jefferson
Seldo: Jefferson memorial from a distance
Seldo: FDR memorial
Seldo: DC is pretty
Seldo: Lincoln
Seldo: Mary + monument
Seldo: More giant Washington penis
Seldo: Dick Cheney works here
Seldo: Er, the white house
Seldo: Flags
Seldo: Mary and Matthew and Washington's giant monument
Seldo: Lincoln monument
Seldo: So. Big.
Seldo: Washington's gigantic penis
Seldo: Reflecting pools were the order of the day
Seldo: Mary and Matthew
Seldo: Washington has quite a monument
Seldo: Me + Capitol + passive-aggressive sign
Seldo: Implicit message of this sign: get lost, W.
Seldo: Me + Capitol
Seldo: Devo's headquarters
Seldo: The declaration of independence
Seldo: Museum of art
Seldo: Dunno what this is.
Seldo: Taxation without representation
Seldo: It's a weird-shaped vegetable, dressed up in a hat and a dress