Seldo: The parade took a while to get underway
Seldo: There were many cool people
Seldo: Nick was roused from slumber to join in
Seldo: Organizer and friends
Seldo: More Obamites
Seldo: Banner
Seldo: Patriotic dogs
Seldo: Yet another Obamite
Seldo: One of our banner-bearers
Seldo: Cunning marketing
Seldo: ? and her dog Riley
Seldo: Black by popular demand
Seldo: I think we can all agree this is a great slogan
Seldo: The crowd
Seldo: The crowd loved stickers
Seldo: Dancers infiltrate the group
Seldo: Dancers on stilts!
Seldo: Yahoo!'s theme this year is close to my heart
Seldo: Our booth was much better designed this year
Seldo: Another Pride successfully navigated