Seldo: Arty blurry travel shots for the win!
Seldo: The countryside
Seldo: The Lovely Peter™
Seldo: Axe murderer look
Seldo: Claire - Provocative plumber
Seldo: Vikki - Philosophical punk
Seldo: Sarah - pre costume
Seldo: Sarah - post costume - Parish Priest
Seldo: Piccadilly Circus and The Lovely Peter™
Seldo: Pembroke grounds are pretty at night
Seldo: The P theme continues with Punting
Seldo: Me punting
Seldo: Then in just jumper...
Seldo: ...and just t-shirt
Seldo: Peter, possibly punting
Seldo: TLP also had some tree issues
Seldo: Some other college
Seldo: Whispering bridge
Seldo: Trees
Seldo: The mathematical bridge
Seldo: Pembroke library
Seldo: Some college
Seldo: Some bridge
Seldo: Black swan
Seldo: Amorous black swan
Seldo: Amorous black swan approacheth!
Seldo: Amorous black swan rebuffed
Seldo: Another low hanging tree
Seldo: Cambridge continues pretty
Seldo: Some gothic building