Seldo: Paul B, pre-tux
Seldo: Chris D with tux
Seldo: David J and the understated look
Seldo: Paul B and revenge of the photographed
Seldo: £60 worth of useless clothing
Seldo: Trapped Monkey
Seldo: Catalog Pose. Still not worth £60.
Seldo: Paul B, post-tux
Seldo: Murray
Seldo: Chris D gives camera lessons
Seldo: Rasel, Tobias, Ben and Murray
Seldo: The Dancing Contractors
Seldo: Jumpin'
Seldo: More crowd
Seldo: The couch'o'funk
Seldo: Yet more drunken crowd
Seldo: Rasel, semi-tux
Seldo: Crowd
Seldo: Another good dancer
Seldo: Danceoholic
Seldo: Sarah and Abbie
Seldo: Martina: Low-key dancing
Seldo: Hey Mister DJ