SelDear: Cromwellian (?) soldier
SelDear: Mulan! (Be a man!)
SelDear: These are not the droids you're looking for.
SelDear: Steampunk is a big thing.
SelDear: Captain Jack Sparrow!
SelDear: Iron Man
SelDear: Who ya gonna call?
SelDear: Boromir from Lord Of The Rings
SelDear: Weeping angel!
SelDear: Pikachu! (Bless you!)
SelDear: I always forget how much I love conventions until I'm back there again!
SelDear: Dress! For summer! In a fabric line from 2years ago! #retro #fashion #dressmaking
SelDear: Heirloom summer
SelDear: @aussiemoose and Kerry in front of their Swedish flag for the annual #sbseurovision party