Sela Dor: Southwark Cathedral, early morning, Easter Monday
Sela Dor: Looking towards Tower Bridge
Sela Dor: Yellow windmills for the winds the Thames funnels through the windows.
Sela Dor: In the ladies' changing rooms.
Sela Dor: Coming in from the rain, Tate Modern
Sela Dor: London Bridge
Sela Dor: baby mouse feet
Sela Dor: puppet lights
Sela Dor: shard
Sela Dor: her puddles
Sela Dor: from the train: hand holding and star gazing
Sela Dor: practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty
Sela Dor: phrenology in a Really Cool Antique Market, Lewes.
Sela Dor: Malling Down, Lewes
Sela Dor: Malling Down, Lewes
Sela Dor: coming into London
Sela Dor: London, nr Borough Market
Sela Dor: behind London Bridge
Sela Dor: the lake, Union St
Sela Dor: fountains at tower bridge
Sela Dor: more london
Sela Dor: image
Sela Dor: a misty city
Sela Dor: the woman waiting
Sela Dor: image
Sela Dor: Sensational Butterflies exhibition, Natural History Museum
Sela Dor: The shadows of hummingbirds at the natural history museum
Sela Dor: Butterfly emerging, sensational butterfly exhibition at the natural history museum
Sela Dor: green