Sela Dor: de nobis ipsis silemus
Sela Dor: Avant
Sela Dor: (h)our whittling
Sela Dor: hairline fracture
Sela Dor: fail better
Sela Dor: note to self
Sela Dor: there's something about plectrums
Sela Dor: sometimes nothing's in focus
Sela Dor: I'm running on my knees again
Sela Dor: accoutrements of a love affair
Sela Dor: a housing complex in a raindrop
Sela Dor: post it note it
Sela Dor: dry retching words
Sela Dor: the message on the table
Sela Dor: good rain
Sela Dor: here is London, giddy London, is it home of the free or what?
Sela Dor: the scratches on the vase
Sela Dor: pamuk
Sela Dor: because my head hurts
Sela Dor: because diaries are dangerous
Sela Dor: Disjecta
Sela Dor: disjecta membra
Sela Dor: toolbox
Sela Dor: rootless
Sela Dor: we don't need a God to tell us to be beautiful to one another
Sela Dor: brick lane finds
Sela Dor: 100,000 words
Sela Dor: things that make you feel better
Sela Dor: 2 turtle doves