Steve Kacir:
Have Clam Will Travel
Steve Kacir:
Hot Pursuit
Steve Kacir:
Clam in the Beak
Steve Kacir:
Revenge of the Kleptoparasites
Steve Kacir:
Disappearing Clam
Steve Kacir:
Steve Kacir:
Brant Profile
Steve Kacir:
Shoot the Rapids
Steve Kacir:
Scowling Sparrow
Steve Kacir:
Basking Ipswich Sparrow
Steve Kacir:
Morning's Merganser
Steve Kacir:
Cruising Merg
Steve Kacir:
Water on the Bill
Steve Kacir:
Diving Hen Merganser
Steve Kacir:
Steve Kacir:
Algae for Breakfast
Steve Kacir:
Steve Kacir:
Barnegat Lighthouse
Steve Kacir:
Lovely Day for a Stroll
Steve Kacir:
Joe and a Stray Photographer
Steve Kacir:
Hen Oldsquaw
Steve Kacir:
Long-tailed Duck Hen
Steve Kacir:
Low on the Water
Steve Kacir:
The Revellers
Steve Kacir:
Clown Caravel
Steve Kacir:
Prince of Clowns
Steve Kacir:
Jester's Stare
Steve Kacir:
Coloring Up
Steve Kacir:
Growing Up Fast
Steve Kacir:
Brants are Like Steamers