SEIU_Local503: 031909 CEO Rally H
SEIU_Local503: 031909 CEO March 4
SEIU_Local503: 031909 CEO March 3
SEIU_Local503: 031909 CEO Rally 2
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1614
SEIU_Local503: 503 Staff - waiting for bus
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1616
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1617
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1618
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1619
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1620
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1621
SEIU_Local503: Denise Bailey, 503 Staff
SEIU_Local503: Sharon Brogan, 503 Staff
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1625
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1626
SEIU_Local503: Portland Mounted Police
SEIU_Local503: Rebecca Sam
SEIU_Local503: Jean Y Linda B Yvonne R
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1632
SEIU_Local503: Jennifer Snyder
SEIU_Local503: Heather Simonson
SEIU_Local503: Greg Jenks
SEIU_Local503: Linda Burgin
SEIU_Local503: Shoshanna
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1640
SEIU_Local503: Elvira 1
SEIU_Local503: Maria Chavez and Shana Loos, 503 Staff
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1645
SEIU_Local503: 20090319_Staff Meeting Enemies of Change Action_1646