SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Leafleting DC area Chipotle restaurants in support of immigrant workers fired in MN.
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers
SEIU International: Demonstations outside Chipotle restaurants in Minneapolis supporting fired immigrant workers